Friday, March 23, 2012

getting sorted result set

I have very simple stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE superdb560.strpoDefault6liVitrin AS

SELECT intMarkaID, intModelID, strModelAdi, strMarkaAdi

(intModelID = 4) OR
(intModelID = 146) OR
(intModelID = 157) OR
(intModelID = 232) OR
(intModelID = 282) OR
(intModelID = 150)


When I run this query I get rows sorted according to intModelID

2 4 3510 Nokia
2 146 6100 Nokia
4 150 N500 Samsung
2 157 3650 Nokia
3 232 GD87 Panasonic
2 282 3300 Nokia

But I want to get the rows as I write in the where clause . Like 4, then 146, then 157 then 232... then 150I'm not sure what you store in your intmodelid,

but if its just numbers, I think after the where clause you can add in an "order by intmodelid".

Haven't test the code, but I think that is the way. Unless intmodelid is not only numbers.

woops..wait...sorry...didn't see u want it sorted in that order...this is not the solution...|||Originally posted by sahin boydas
I have very simple stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE superdb560.strpoDefault6liVitrin AS

SELECT intMarkaID, intModelID, strModelAdi, strMarkaAdi

(intModelID = 4) OR
(intModelID = 146) OR
(intModelID = 157) OR
(intModelID = 232) OR
(intModelID = 282) OR
(intModelID = 150)


When I run this query I get rows sorted according to intModelID

2 4 3510 Nokia
2 146 6100 Nokia
4 150 N500 Samsung
2 157 3650 Nokia
3 232 GD87 Panasonic
2 282 3300 Nokia

But I want to get the rows as I write in the where clause . Like 4, then 146, then 157 then 232... then 150

Use a CASE in your ORDER BY clause. Like this:

order by
when intModelID = 4 then 1
when intModelID = 146 then 2
when intModelID = 157 then 3
when intModelID = 232 then 4
when intModelID = 150 then 5
end|||Mr. DrummerCA33

the solution tahat you suggest will solve the problem, but It will not be efficient. Think that I have table that have 1000 thousand rows.Then We can not write 1000 cases. There should be more efficient way.|||create another table with intModelID and RankID (for example) and assign the rank to each model id. Then when you do your select you can join it by intModelID and order by RankID.|||sahin,

Complete this series: 4, 146, 157, 232, 282, 150, ...

I don't think a cadre' of Mensa members on Ginko Biloba could figure this out. If there is some logic behind this sort order (date entered, product price, whatever), then that value either IS in the database, or you need to create it and add it to the database. Then you sort on it.

blindman|||Ranking values is a very common task, that's why sahin needs this other table to not only resolve the sort order but also to retain the fact of ranking. ...and what are you talking about, blind man?|||rdjabarov

This link may help:

blindman|||Originally posted by sahin boydas
Mr. DrummerCA33

the solution tahat you suggest will solve the problem, but It will not be efficient. Think that I have table that have 1000 thousand rows.Then We can not write 1000 cases. There should be more efficient way.

A "thank you" would be nice instead of a "not efficient", but hey, what can I expect. In any event, you only have 6 values, hard coded in your sproc, so I fail to see why a case statement wouldn't work.|||bm: put this link in your favorites. May help :)

How to be polite? (

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